Vladimir Mikhailovich Moiseyenko

Vladimir Mikhailovich Moiseyenko


Doctor of Science in Medicine, Professor. Merited Doctor of the Russian Federation, Corresponding member of Russian Academy of Science

Director, State Budgetary Healthcare Institution “Saint-Petersburg Clinical Scientific and Practical Center for Specialised Types of Medical Care (Oncological)”

Major research achievements:

  • developed an original self-examination protocol for early detection of breast cancer; determined its impact on related death rate as part of a randomised population-based study;
  • studied a principal approach to enhancing the efficiency of standard chemotherapy treatment of patients with solid tumours by customising it based on molecular-genetic tumour profile;
  • created a new algorithm for treating breast cancer patients with damaged DNA repair mechanism based on cytostatic drugs with an alkylating mode of action;
  • developed an original algorithm for treating non-small-cell lung cancer patients by identifying tyrosine kinase mutations of the epidermal growth factor and the use of its low-molecular inhibitors;
  • studied a new method of active specific immunotherapy based on unmodified and modified cancerous cells as well as vaccine therapy based on dendritic cells for treating patients with skin melanoma and kidney cancer.
  • Merited Doctor of the Russian Federation, Laureate of the Award of the Government of the Russian Federation, 2004

Number of students who defended their thesis under his supervision:

  • higher doctorate (Doctors of Science) – 7,
  • PhD (Candidates of Science) – 20

SPIN code: 8184-2980

Author ID: 602994

ORCID iD: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9431-5617